• Gorille nouveau-né et sa mère au Zoo de La Palmyre

    Rare baby gorilla born at La Palmyre Zoo

    Extraordinary births follow one another at the zoo! After two giant otters born in February and a giraffe calf born in April, a rare baby gorilla was born at the park in early August.
  • Jeunes loutres géantes nées au Zoo de La Palmyre

    Birth of two giant otters

    For the first time since the arrival of the species in 2022, two giant otters were born at the zoo! In early February our female Gata gave birth to the females Tayel and Uma after 70 days of gestation.
  • Jumeaux tamarins empereurs au Zoo de La Palmyre

    Birth of Bearded Emperor tamarin twins

    Bearded Emperor tamarin twins were born at the zoo 3 weeks ago. This is the second set of twins of our pair formed in 2021.
  • Lémur à ventre roux né au Zoo de La Palmyre

    Birth of a Red-bellied lemur

    Our one-month old Red-bellied lemur is becoming more and more alert and active.
  • Oryx algazelle au Zoo de La Palmyre

    Birth of a Scimitar-horned oryx

    Our breeding group of Scimitar-horned oryx numbers one more member with the birth of a male just a week ago!
  • Tamarins lions dorés au Zoo de La Palmyre

    Golden Lion Tamarins give birth to twins

    The pair of Golden lion tamarins formed last year at the zoo recently gave birth to twins.