• Class
  • Order
  • Familly
  • Zoo la Palmyre, taille animal
  • Zoo la Palmyre, poids animal
  • Zoo la Palmyre, durée gestation animal
    4 months
  • Zoo la Palmyre, naissances animal
  • Zoo la Palmyre, longévité animal
    20–25 years
  • Diet
    omnivorous (fruit, leaves, flowers, insects)
  • Habitat
    primary and secondary tropical forests
  • Range
    north-west Madagascar
  • This species is part of a European Breeding Program
  • Population in the wild
    En diminution
  • IUCN REDLIST status
    zoo palmyre statut icun CR zoo palmyre statut icun CR

This extremely rare species is listed as critically endangered due to the extreme fragmentation of its population and to the enormous reduction and almost total deforestation of its territories. Blue-eyed Black Lemurs are also hunted and trapped for their meat and the illegal pet trade.
Tree-dwelling and cathemeral (active day and night), Blue-eyed Black Lemurs live in groups of 6–10. In Madagascar the young are born between late August and late October. Their fur is russet-brown, like their mothers’. Males turn black at the age of 6 weeks. They are one of the rare non-human primates to have blue eyes.

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